This house seems to be owned by someone who's a slob in the extreme. Clothes are littered everywhere, and the floor is in extreme need of sweeping.
You take the boat ride across to the tiny town of Lost Isle. It's a quick, pleasant trip. You see dolphins. The ferryman tells you to go to the end of the center dock and wait when you want to return.
This is where you catch the ferry south to Lost Isle. The sailor who's running the raft today says you can buy tickets from Vincent in the inn.
This home looks was it was abandoned in quite a hurry. All of the furniture is still here, and a meal was even left to rot on the table.
The fixtures of this shop show the signs of heavy use, so you know this store has been used. However, it's abandoned now. It's chilly and dusty, and the shelves behind the counter are bare.
An Empire soldier sits at the table, having a good solid meal. He is displeased at being interrupted, and furious that you would break into his house. He draws a sword in order to teach you a bit of a lesson.
The trip to Gebra takes a while - you have to sail around Gorst Island to get there. When you land, the fishermen say "Come back to the boat and wait. Next time we're by, we'll take you back. And watch out - the people in Gebra are odd." Then they leave.
There is a fishing boat at the end of the dock, with a sign saying "Gebra ferry" on the prow. You approach, and they say if you want to take a trip, to speak to Laika.
This dusty room is filled with crates filled and shelves laden with piles upon piles of old stuff. Some is junk, some very useful looking. It would take quite a while to sort through it. None of it is yours.
You wait for a few hours, and eventually a fishing boat from Storm Port swings by. You wave them down, and they give you a ride back to the mainland. You bid a happy farewell to this odd island, and its odd people.
The chest contains papers. Lots of them. They are covered with dense, handwritten rantings. You can't make much sense of them. They seem to involve avoiding the end times, strenuous self-denial, and the phrase "Feisty Slap of Pain."
You open the door, and see a room with a half dozen thin sleeping mats. There are monks sitting on several of them, chanting, meditating, and performing complicated and demanding stretching exercises.
Your relief at only finding a bunch of monks instead of bizarre monsters is short lived, however. The moment they see you, they emit high shrieks and charge.
This was Gorst's barracks. They're abandoned now. They're also filled with the thick, nausea-inspiring stink of death. It's very unnerving.
You dig up the box and look inside. There's a nicely sized pouch of silver coins inside. Even better, there's also a pair of fine leather gloves, which look as good as new.
The fishermen return you to Libras. They troll for salmon on the trip, making it several times longer than it needs to be. It's a long, tedious trip, but you eventually arrive.
The odor of death and decay still hangs over Aminro, and a few stray vultures circle overhead. A final troglodyte assault did the town in. The silence is grim and oppressive.
You have reached the mining town of Aminro. The walls are thick and the guards are many, and it doesn't take long to see why. Everything shows the signs of frequent and savage troglodyte assaults. It's hard to see this town lasting too much longer.
You are at the entrance of a low, nondescript bunker, with thick walls and heavy doors. Someone has done a lot of building to maintain his privacy.
You open the chest, and find it completely empty, except for a few crumbs. Very odd. You close it, and here a strange high-pitched giggling behind you. You turn, but as you do, you start feeling very groggy.
As you stumble and lurch about, the gremlins who appeared out of nowhere start inching forward ...
This room is suspiciously nondescript. There's just a neatly swept, bare floor with a small wooden box in the corner.
You enter the city of Angel's Rest. The cracked walls and jumpy guards mark this small town as a primary troglodyte target. The smell of sulphur hangs over everything.